An Act of Contrition
O my most loving Savior, behold me before Thy divine presence, full of confusion for the many offences I have committed against Thee. I repent of them from my whole heart, and detest them above all evils, because they offend Thine infinite goodness; and I firmly purpose to wash my soul in the Sacrament of Penance, and never to offend Thee again. Forgive me, my crucified Savior, in Thine infinite mercy. And thou, most tender Virgin, Refuge of Sinners, do thou, by thy bitter pains, obtain for me the pardon of all my sins, and grace never to crucify thy Son again.
I. The First Sorrow of our Blessed Lady was when, having presented Jesus, her Divine Son, in the Temple, she heard the words of holy Simeon, “Thy own soul a sword shall pierce;” by which he foretold the Passion and Death of her Son Jesus.
Our Father, once. Hail Mary, seven times.
II. The Second Sorrow of our Blessed Lady was when she was obliged to flee into Egypt, because King Herod was seeking the Child to destroy Him.
Our Father, once. Hail Mary, seven times.
III. The Third Sorrow of our Blessed Lady was when, returning from Jerusalem after the feast of the Pasch, she lost her beloved Son Jesus, and for three days, with St. Joseph, sought Him sorrowing.
Our Father, once. Hail Mary, seven times.
IV. The Fourth Sorrow of our Blessed Lady was when she met on the way to Calvary her dear Son Jesus, carrying on His bruised shoulders a heavy cross, whereon He was to be crucified for our salvation.
Our Father, once. Hail Mary, seven times.
V. The Fifth Sorrow of our Blessed Lady was when she saw her Divine Son nailed to the cross, shedding blood from all parts of His sacred body, and after three hours' agony beheld Him die.
Our Father, once. Hail Mary, seven times.
VI. The Sixth Sorrow of our Blessed Lady was when a soldier with a spear opened the sacred Side of Jesus, and when His sacred body, being taken down from the cross, was laid on her most pure bosom.
Our Father, once. Hail Mary, seven times.
VII. The Seventh Sorrow of our Blessed Lady was when she saw the most sacred Body of her Son Jesus laid in the sepulchre.
Our Father, once. Hail Mary, seven times.
Let us now say three Hail Marys, in honor of the tears which Our Lady shed in her Dolors, that we may obtain a true sorrow for our sins and gain the holy indulgences.
Hail Mary, three times.
Taken from The Servite Manual: Behold Thy Mother; A Collection of Devotions Chiefly in Honor of Our Lady of Sorrows.
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Mother of God, who didst endure a martyrdom of love and grief, beholding the Sufferings and Sorrows of Jesus! thou didst co-operate in the benefit of my redemption by thy innumerable afflictions, and by offering to the Eternal Father His Only Begotten Son, as a Holocaust and Victim of propitiation for my sins. I thank thee for the unspeakable love which led thee to deprive thyself of the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, true God and true Man, to save me a sinner. Oh! use the unfailing intercession of thy Sorrows with the Father and the Son, that I may steadfastly amend my life and never again crucify my loving Redeemer by new sins, and that persevering till death in His grace, I may obtain eternal life through the merits of His Cross and Passion. (St. Bridget)
According to St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373), the Blessed Virgin grants seven graces to those who honor her daily by saying seven Hail Marys while meditating on her tears and sorrows: